We are involved with heart and soul

As an SME we are very focused on good cooperation, authenticity and versatility – we are extremely proud of our team and would like to introduce you here, bit by bit.

Talking to

Horst Walther, Managing Partner

Horst Walther, Geschäftsführung

Horst Walther, Managing Partner, founded NATURinFORM in 2009 in Upper Franconian Redwitz an der Rodach, and has since then been devoted to the innovative and diverse options offered by the combination of wood and polymer.

What drives you?

Right from the start I was fascinated by the material, the material combination of wood and polymer, and the diverse options resulting thereof. This is why I took over this company from a bankrupcy in 2009. Now I am proud that our company is successfully able to offer future-safe products. The potential of our innovative wood composite material has surely not been fully explored yet, and that is what drives me. What we are already enabling, are durable surfaces for patios, facades, noise and privacy protection – favourite spots outdoors, that are durable and make people happy. And this especially ‚Made in Germany‘ – from the sustainable raw material wood from domestic forestry, right up to environementally-friendly production in Upper Franconia.

What are the greatest challenges in your job?

To begin with, of course, the main task was to get the company back on its feet again. After three years of tough groundwork we stepped over the border to profitability for the first time, thanks to my motivated employees. Since then, we have been keeping a close look on the market and, with clever, forwardlooking reactions to developments, as well as necessary changes in the company, we are helping to enable profitable economising in future, too. Additionally, our customers’ and business partners’ demands regarding sustainability, environment and climate protection have changed. We have regarded sustainable actions as the basis for our entrepreneurial success for many years and started reacting long ago. Since 2019, we have been producing climate-neutrally, and openly show our sustainability performance and goals according to the German Sustainability Code (DNK) voluntarily. Our products are not only recycleable after their long-term lifetime of around 30 years, but also completely reusable. My goal remains to make our products and their product life cycle even better, even more sustainable! And furthermore, to keep my eyes open for new products and application scopes.

Bernd Motschenbacher, Toolmaker

Bernd Motschenbacher, Toolmaker

Bernd Motschenbacher is designer and employee from day 1. He has been working in the plant in Redwitz since 1999. Professionally, as well as privately, he loves working with wood.

What drives you?

Self-responsibility and diversity in my job, as well as the opportunity to combine theory and practice. Because the prodution tools that I design are our own and are all actually used here in production. I am involved in the complete procedure, starting from the drawing in the technical office, right up to the final assembly of the tools – from sampling and altering sanding, right up to serial production. It is an extraordinary position and I can contribute all of my 30 years of experience here, too. And in addition, I just love the material wood that our products are made of. In my private life, too: In  my free time I love being in the countryside, I work in the woods and among others,  I also prepare my own timber for the fireplace. That is why I really appreciate our products – and especially, because they are so low on maintenance and are so durable. Once worked on with a high pressure cleaner, the decks can lie for years without needing tended to. That’s what I love at home, my Naturinform decks on my balcony, even though they are no longer part of our range, but because they are so durable, they are still there, and will be for ages to come….

What are the biggest challenges in your job?

As a trained toolmaker and Industry Master for Metal, my main field is, of course, construction, in our case of extruding and moulding tools. But, because I am more or less a 1-man-company in my department, I also am responsible for many other things: Project management tasks, calculation, organisation, purchasing of steel and accessory parts for the tools, all vision protection articles, material for packaging and shipping, and much more. There is quite a lot to deal with, but, as said, its exactly the diversity that I love my job so much for!

Cordula Nägele, Mangaging Director

Cordula Nägele, Mangaging Director

Cordula Nägele, with her long-term experience in Personnel and Administration, is an addition to the Management Board since the beginning of 2020. Her focus is on creating an environment in which appreciation is lived and in which it is a joy to work.

What drives you?

Interaction with colleagues, employees and business partners. On the Management Board I see myself as a sparring partner to support and inform, someone that is open for topics and also looks at things from a different angle. At the same time, I am part of a team with all of our employees – and am always open for their concerns. Here I try to see and speak to everybody every day. To create a work environment in which our employees enjoy working, and from which they can go home feeling good, even after a long day, despite challenging tasks. Appreciation that also applies to our customers, too: That means in this context that we deliver perfect products at the promised time, and completely fulfill all their expectations.

What are the biggest challenges in your job?

Achieving the goals I have set myself: In the field of Personnel it means not only to provide a good, but also a safe workplace. Prerequisite for that is, of course, also to increase our success on the market. Besides broadening digitalisation, one of the challenges is how we can even better enhance our already high standards regarding sustainability. All our employees can participate in workgoups. And that is exactly the team spirit that I would like to intensify in future, too: Support colleagues and service providers in such a way that they can do their jobs satisfactorally. That they get the information they need. That communication flows and is open – both with each other, as well as with the Management Board. That everyone is successful – together!

Pia Hobeck, Marketing Leader

Pia Hobeck, Marketing Leader

Pia Hobeck has been leading the company’s Marketing  department since 2014. In her team she develops strategies to communicate the core of the brand, as well as the company’s products authentically and clearly. In her free time she enjoys time in the garden with her family on her patio.

What drives you?

I enjoy being part of a successful team. The cooperation with my team at NATURinFORM is fun and motivates me on a daily basis to take on new challenges. In my time as an active handball player it was already important to gather all of the talents of each player to be successful together. That is the same today in my job as Head of Marketing. My tasks are my team and organising its abilities – internally, as well as externally – in the best way possible, to create a good work environment and sometimes only to just listen. In my experience that is how you can achieve the best results, if all involved are motivated and enjoy what they are doing. At home I also run a little team with my husband. The requirements and tasks are not necessarily the same, but there are parallels that are important for me in both areas: listening to what is needed, recognising strengths and developing potentials.

What are the biggest challenges in your job?

Juggling everything at once. On the one hand, we at Naturinform have many different target groups. On the other hand, it is a big, but also really exciting task to work together with so many different groups. My focus is here, as well, to create an optimum solution by working together in the best way possible. There are our employees on the one side. On the other our Sales Team through whom we are constantly in touch with planners, dealers and processors in Germany and abroad. We think about the requirements that architects, craftsmen, processors and building owners – whether private or public – have, to offer a high-quality product that they will enjoy for a very long time and that is perfect in handling and processing. Knowing all these groups and their wishes and bringing them together is a real challenge. But it always makes me very happy, and even a bit proud, when I see what a deck – from our plant here in Redwitz – looks like on an end customer’s favourite spot on their patio or balcony.