The owner of a 170 square metre outdoor area between two buildings was looking for a retreat close to nature that would give him more joy than work. Both swimming pond and patio are designed as a unitary outdoor area – water as one surface, and wood composite decks as the other. When deciding on which materials to use it became clear that the flooring needed to be both robust and resistant around water, but also would have to safeguard against slipping and be comfortable to walk on with bare feet. It also had to be low on maintenance and easy to clean. All these requirements are completely fulfilled by NATURinFORM’s ‚NatureLINE‘ wood composite material decks.
Pooldecks, close to nature
Patio decks
Naturline, amber brown
Construction type
swimming and regeneration area
Construction year
September 2014
Nabburg (Bayern), Deutschland
The genereous swimming pond layout is the heart of the 1,000 square metre large premises. While the 10 by 4.8 metre large swimming area is classically designed as a ‚rectangular pool‘, the regeneration area consists of round shapes and additionally different sized natural stones between which plants grow naturally. To mark a line between the swimming and regeneration area and, so to speak, as a frame for the rectangular pool shape, wood composite material decks have been laid under water, complementing the border.
Durable, maintenance-free and easy to clean
Patios and paths around the water area provide room to relax, party and play. The natural wooden look was only one of the criteria when choosing the right flooring option. ‘We were mainly looking for a floor cover that is robust and resistant in a wet environment. It was important for us that it be non-slippery and nice underfoot. Additionally, it was to be durable, maintenance-free and easy to clean,’ the building owner describes his high expectations. When he saw NATURinFORM’s NATURELINE, the decision was easy: On a total of 46 square metres, the durable wood composite material decks in NATURELINE Amber brown blend wonderfully with the two buildings on either side.
The high-quality wood composite material consists of 70 percent domestic wood and sustainable, PEFC-certified forestry, and 30 % of a pure polymer. Thus the decks are of a permanently high quality standard that is predestined for heavily used outdoor areas, such as that of the swimming pond. As it is absolutely inured against wet, humidity and other weathering and environmental influences, you can expect a high durability (durability class 1) without the decks losing their looks or functionality. Even as an ‘underwater-deck’ in the pond area their stability and robustness as a superior composite material are obvious. The surface is non-slippery (R 12) and is splinter-free, which makes it especially barefoot-friendly and safe to walk on. To look after the durable material all you need to do is to regularly clear the paths and pool borders of leaves, dirt and moss.
Natural protection
To achieve the attributes of the barefoot-friendly and non-slippery patio decks, the surface is roughened and enhanced by brushing during production. This means that the wood composite material patio decks are in their smallest particles – the open wood fibres on the surface – just like natural wood. With weathering, the wooden structures on the surface change into cellulose. This optical colour change is completed after around half a year, once it has patinated. This superior cellulose patina in itself is then a natural protection which additionally helps stabilize the material against UV radiation.
Download: Press release
Product information: Natureline