Coubertin-Terraces in the Olympiapark Munich

The Olympiapark in Munich is known throughout the world and in addition a very popular recreational area – last but not least it is an architectural icon. In Spring 2022 a logistic masterpiece was completed: exchanging the surface on the Coubertin-Terraces. As easy as it may sound to begin with, as complex was planning and executing the project. Within the scope of the extensive renovation and rebuilding measures, 470 square metres of NATURinFORM’s POPULAR massive deck were laid on two restaurant patios stacked above one another. The company is known as a specialist for high-quality wood composite materials ‘made in Germany’.


Patio decks
POPULAR massive in stone grey

Type of construction

Building owner
Olympiapark München GmbH, Municipal Utility Munich

Construction year

Coubertin-Terraces in the Olympiapark Munich
Coubertinplatz 80, 80809 München, Germany

The Coubertin-Terraces are part of the Olympic Halls’ building complex and were completed in 2011. The ‘Club Coubertin’ enhances the culinary offer on site: With 500 seats on two levels and a beergarden, the Coubertin is a real asset on the grounds of the Olympiapark. The design was made by Auer Weber, an internationally active architectural office in Stuttgart and Munich, founded by Fritz Auer and Carlo Weber in 1980. Both were cofounders of the architectural office Behnisch & Partner in 1966, which at the end of the 1960s was awarded the contract for the Olympic site. Originator of countless award-winning projects both at home and abroad, the office Auer Weber is also often consulted as a planning office for maintenance measures and constructional additions at the Olympiapark Munich.

Catering highlight at the Olympiapark

The building which was added later is like a bar in steel frame construction with a concrete core and ceilings under the tent roof in the Olympic Hall. The restaurant and event building with broadly overhanging terraces on two levels enable guests both to look into the hall, as well as to enjoy the view over the Olympic area, or even sit in a raised position in the fresh air on one of the two terraces. Access can be gained via a stair ramp from the Coubertinplatz, or directly through the Olympic Hall. The different areas can be used independently, thereby offering the utmost flexibility, even for meetings or events. The elongated proportions (12.5 m narrow and 93 m long) give the building an elegant and light look; fully glazed it combines indoor and outdoor areas flowingly. The maintenance components are compactly situated in the middle of the building, at the same time structuring the areas. ‘The Club Coubertin offers a place to dwell, enjoy and experience in the larger area of the historic Olympiapark. Especially the outerlying terraces on level 5 and level 6 allow for a clear view of the Olympiastadion, the Coubertin, or respectively Hans-Jochen-Vogel-Platz and parts of the Olympiapark’s outdoor areas,’ says project leader Michael Delefortrie from the municipal utilities Munich, the Stadtwerke München (SWM), which are acting as building owners.

Exchanging the terrace flooring in the outdoor areas

The original surface made of robinia had to be replaced on 470 square metres after only ten years. In the course of the measures fixed umbrella stands were to be integrated for sunshades. Therefore, the municipal utilities Munich (SWM) commissioned the architectural office Auer Weber which had been engaged for the original Coubertin building to do the planning. But already soon after the planning began in October 2019 it became clear that the task was more complex than at first presumed: Many interests had to be taken into account, for example historic preservation orders, copyright law, utilization in public areas, load bearing behaviour, requirements that the operator had, safety requirements, but especially the demands towards the material and its colour, or respectively its colour behaviour and the combination of everything in total. To find the best material that would meet the countless and ambitious demands, the building owner in cooperation with the architectural office Auer Weber extensively sampled decks made of diverse woods and wood composite materials.

Three-month ’Stress-Test‘ determined the choice of material

In July 2021 those involved laid three sample surfaces on site, which were weathered and exposed to real-life conditions. Not only mechanical, chemical, biological and physical ‘stress-tests’ were run, but also, because of the use in the restaurant business, contact with wine, ketchup, oil and coffee and the effects these have on the material.

After three months of testing, the result from the samplings were clear: The choice was made for the patio deck POPULAR massive in stone grey, a wood composite deck by NATURinFORM as a full profile. The material was able to fulfill all the requirements: Almost completely torsion-free and extremely low on maintenance the patio deck is incredibly robust against mechanical and chemical impacts. Due to the material combination the decks promise long durability, they do not splinter and are therefore also suitable for bare feet. In addition, the high slip resistance required was able to be met with a level of R13 for both sides. Furthermore, it was very important for the architects that the colouring should correspond to the greying robinia surface, which the stone grey patio deck proved to have, even after three months of weathering. As required, the shade fits perfectly into the architecture and material choice for the building.

AbZ (General construction supervision approval) required for load-bearing structures

As a publicly accessible area, in addition as a terrace over 60 centimetres, a patio surface with ‘Allgemeine bauaufsichtliche Zulassung’ (AbZ), general construction supervision approval, is required, which POPULAR massive has been awarded. In contrast to patios at ground level, structures such as balconies and terraces over 60 centimetres usually count in state building regulations as ‘elevated’ and must therefore be planned and executed as load-bearing structures. Hereby only building products with construction supervision approval may be used without exception; otherwise, time-consuming and expensive individual approvals must be applied for and executed. Laying must be performed according to the approval regulations. Parallel to the change in material, all of the underlying construction was exchanged as well, to adhere to the defined minimum and maximum gaps and the required load-bearing behaviour.

Logistic master achievement by the executing timber builder

The company Paintner Holzbau from Ergolding was awarded the contract in January 2022. This was indeed a challenging project for the experienced timber builders – in different ways: Because of the crisis in Ukraine and the aftereffects of the pandemic there were likely to be supply bottlenecks. But also the conditions related to the project were tricky, as now events were taking place again in the Olympic Hall and the work areas around the Coubertin-Terraces served as necessary escape routes. This meant that when events were coming up the construction site – sometimes even for several days at a time – had to wait. The contractor needed to find a solution to fit into the tight time frame and manage to exchange the surface in as limited assembly time as possible.

Paintner Holzbau’s team was ideally suitable for this: They were already accustomed to the Olympic site, as they had worked on several smaller projects there, so they knew the local circumstances and those involved in the planning. Two other things were also priceless assets: On the one hand, next to Paintner Holzbau there is their sister company Paintner Metalbau (Metal engineering), which was able to support the project in areas connected to metal construction. On the other hand, Paintner Holzbau has a digital construction program controlled by their own CNC system. This equipment was prerequisite for the mostly digitalized production procedure!

Paintner Holzbau – currently with around 20 employees – was founded by Anton Paintner in 1987, Tobias Paintner’s father, who as a trained carpenter master is running the company in the second generation. The company specializes in products for outdoor areas: Patio and balcony surfaces, extra buildings, park benches and other furniture for outside, privacy and noise protection walls, fences and gate systems, bridges, playgrounds, steel skirtings, but also classic wood and metal work. Their customers are mainly public authorities and state and private housing construction.

Prefabrication ensures quick construction site progress

Due to the tight lead time Tobias Paintner realized that a high degree of prefabrication was the lever to work quickly and smoothly on site. Therefore, the fully measured and digitalized data for the existing load-bearing construction were imported into their own construction program and each individual building part was produced according to the actual measurements, even each drill hole was adapted to the existing measurements! It was possible to cut and drill each component to size on the CNC machine. The custom-made patio decks were then pre-mounted onto the metal substructure with the required underlying construction from Naturinform as 130 x 260 cm large elements at the company and inserted by a crane on site. There only the supply shafts that can be inspected were filled with new material, which then however required a lot of milling and cutting work. Although the actual mounting of the elements only required approximately 15 workdays, the work onsite took a total of almost two months because of constant events in the Olympic Hall. ‘Fortunately, there was not a problem with supply chain bottlenecks,’ emphasizes Tobias Paintner. Despite the global crises they were able to rely on NATURinFORM as a supplier, the ordered material was delivered extremely reliably. For screws and other DIN parts Holzbau Paintner had awarded contracts to several suppliers to play it safe.

High slip resistance

The POPULAR massive deck with a height of 26 milimetres and a width of 139 millimetres has both a finely and a widely striated side to choose from. Both surfaces have been awarded the highest slip resistance R 13 by the TÜV Rheinland. As colours you can choose from brown and black brown, as well as grey, stone grey and anthracite. Besides the standard lengths of four and six metres the decks are also available in other lengths on request. The material consists, as all of the producer’s products, of an innovative, robust wood composite material that is made out wooden fibres of domestic, PEFC-certified woods and a pure polymer at a ratio of 70 to 30. Wooden fibres are used that are a byproduct of the woodworking industry. This makes the material especially environmentally and climate friendly. In addition, it can also be recycled 100 percent. After usage the decks are taken back by the company after testing and refed into the production process.


At the end of May 2022 the Coubertin-Terraces were able to welcome guests again – right on time for the beergarden season! Regarding the challenges that only became apparent as time went by, indeed a masterstroke by all involved. Teamwork, digitalization, as well as a high amount of flexibility and all-out professionalism with all of those involved in the planning, craftspeople and last but not least suppliers made it possible.

There are environmental product declarations according to international standards available (EPDs) for all of NATURinFORM’s decks and façade profiles. All products are continuously monitored by quality controls and stress tests, to guarantee a constant perfect and first-class wood composite quality. The company provides a five-year guarantee on its products.

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Product information: popular massive